Sailing West

written by AJ Arnault

genre: adventure

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One girl. Two boys. An impossible choice.

Stella LaFever, a theatre student from California, can't wait to spend a summer in Newport, Rhode Island, with her best friend. She is in desperate need of a distraction from some potentially life changing news, and wants to focus on fun. The two land jobs at a posh downtown restaurant while living in a beachy RV park.

Stella's carefree summer takes a turn when she meets West Tenney, the straight-laced son of a Navy Admiral, and Spencer Fredericksen, the heir of Newport's wealthiest family.

At first, Stella believes West and Spencer are just like all the other rich kids running around Newport-stuck up and dressed in too much J. Crew. But she soon realizes there's more to the pair than meets the eye. West has a secret desire to become an actor, while Spencer struggles to meet his family's expectations.

Somehow, Stella falls into both of their worlds, and is swept away by what she finds. As the summer comes to an end, will Stella and West still be acting, or will her growing feelings for Spencer take center stage?

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