Two Tickets to Paradise

written by Leigh W. Stuart

genre: romance

When Beth wins two tickets to Hawaii, she accidentally invites the office hottie to join her for what's to become the most sizzling adventure of her life!


Fresh off the heels of a heart-wrenching breakup, Beth wins a beautiful vacation to Hawaii. Cue sunny beach, yummy cocktails and the chance to completely let her hair down, until Beth drunkenly makes a deal with the office hottie, Russell, to go on the trip with her, and her boss turns her relaxing vacay into an opportunity to save her job that's on the line. While Russell has a hard and fast rule about not dating anyone from the office, Beth drives him to the brink of insanity with desire. Although they are both healing from past demons, the pull towards each other is so electric, it's a recipe for the most mouth-watering 'work' vacation yet.

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