The Prodigal Son

genre: historical fiction

1812. Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin Thorne returns home to London from Spain. His father is dying. Within hours of his arrival, Benjamin is the new Earl of Makepeace. Suffering from grief and the effects of the violent Peninsular War, Benjamin has to navigate the world he left behind in England. But his newly married life is turned on its head when his former major, Evan Holloway, is invalided home from the continent. Benjamin decides to take care of his old friend, only for hidden feelings to threaten both of them. Benjamin must play the game of the aristocracy: a game of masks, of facades, of rituals and traditions. But the cost may be very dear. | A queer Regency romance |

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1812. Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin Thorne returns home to London from Spain. His father is dying. Within hours of his arrival, Benjamin is the new Earl of Makepeace. Suffering from grief and the effects of the violent Peninsular War, Benjamin has to navigate the world he left behind in England. But his newly married life is turned…


genre: science fiction

· AMBYS 2022 WINNER · A quirky Asian high school story fused with sci-fi, romance and mystery *** Komoreby is the metropolis of the future--an eco-city brimming with stylish urban life, where dreams are forged into reality. It's everything Evanna Zeller's quiet, old town was not. Nerdy in mind and whimsical at heart, Evanna is a lonely girl with dreams far bigger than herself. She's darkly inclined with sunshiny kawaii, and she's herbivorous with a taste for video game blood. Evanna's adventure of a lifetime is her move to Komoreby, where she reunites with her childhood bestie at the city's most prestigious high school. Everything is set for a brilliant new start--or so she thought. Pranks and betrayals sink the very first day to rock bottom. As if that isn't bad enough, a school tour of the city's high energy physics lab, home to a gargantuan particle collider, takes a bizarre turn. Now she's trapped in a parallel universe of draconian rules and warped versions of everyone she knew. As she spins down a rabbit hole of mind-boggling quantum physics, can she find her way home through the murk of the unknown? All the while weaving through a social web of potential friends, foes and a mysterious rocker guy she's relentlessly drawn to.

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· AMBYS 2022 WINNER · A quirky Asian high school story fused with sci-fi, romance and mystery *** Komoreby is the metropolis of the future–an eco-city brimming with stylish urban life, where dreams are forged into reality. It’s everything Evanna Zeller’s quiet, old town was not. Nerdy in mind and whimsical at heart, Evanna is…

Azia Elga

Azia Elga


Sapphic Romance, multi-genre


V2F0dHBhZCBGb2xsb3dlcnM6IHtAd2F0dHBhZF9mb2xsb3dlcnN9 VG90YWwgQ29tYmluZWQgUmVhZHM6IHtAdG90YWxfY29tYmluZWRfcmVhZHN9 PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy50d2l0dGVyLmNvbS97QHR3aXR0ZXJfbmFtZX0iIHRhcmdldD0iX2JsYW5rIiByZWw9Im5vb3BlbmVyIj48aW1nIHNyYz1odHRwczovL3d3dy53cml0ZXJzY29ubnguY29tL3dwLWNvbnRlbnQvdXBsb2Fkcy8yMDIzLzA0L3R3aXR0ZXItd2hpdGUtNDB4NDAtMS5wbmcgdGFyZ2V0PV9ibGFuaz48L2E+IFtlbHNlXQ== PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5pbnN0YWdyYW0uY29tL3tAaW5zdGFncmFtX25hbWV9IiB0YXJnZXQ9Il9ibGFuayIgcmVsPSJub29wZW5lciI+PGltZyBzcmM9aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cud3JpdGVyc2Nvbm54LmNvbS93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAyMy8wNC9pbnN0YWdyYW1fd2hpdGUtd2hpdGUtNDB4NDAtMS5wbmcgdGFyZ2V0PV9ibGFuaz48L2E+IFtlbHNlXQ== PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy50aWt0b2suY29tL0B7QHRpa3Rva19uYW1lfSIgdGFyZ2V0PSJfYmxhbmsiIHJlbD0ibm9vcGVuZXIiPjxpbWcgc3JjPWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LndyaXRlcnNjb25ueC5jb20vd3AtY29udGVudC91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjMvMDQvdGlrdG9rLXdoaXRlLTQweDQwLTEucG5nIHRhcmdldD1fYmxhbms+PC9hPiBbZWxzZV0= PGEgaHJlZj0ie0B3ZWJzaXRlfSIgdGFyZ2V0PSJfYmxhbmsiIHJlbD0ibm9vcGVuZXIiPjxpbWcgc3JjPWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LndyaXRlcnNjb25ueC5jb20vd3AtY29udGVudC91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjMvMDQvd2Vic2l0ZS13aGl0ZS00MHg0MC0xLnBuZyB0YXJnZXQ9X2JsYW5rPjwvYT4gW2Vsc2Vd IDxhIGhyZWY9IntAb3RoZXJfc2l0ZX0iIHRhcmdldD0iX2JsYW5rIiByZWw9Im5vb3BlbmVyIj48aW1nIHNyYz1odHRwczovL3d3dy53cml0ZXJzY29ubnguY29tL3dwLWNvbnRlbnQvdXBsb2Fkcy8yMDIzLzA0L3dlYnNpdGUtd2hpdGUtNDB4NDAtMS5wbmcgdGFyZ2V0PV9ibGFuaz48L2E+W2Vsc2Vd
PGEgaHJlZj0ie0BzdWJzY3JpcHRpb25fcGxhdGZvcm19IiB0YXJnZXQ9Il9ibGFuayIgcmVsPSJub29wZW5lciI+PGgyIHN0eWxlPSJjb2xvcjojMzhkOWQ2OyIgYWxpZ249cmlnaHQ+U3Vic2NyaWJlIG9uIHtAc3Vic2NyaXB0aW9ufTwvaDI+PC9hPg== PGltZyBzcmM9aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cud3JpdGVyc2Nvbm54LmNvbS93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAyMy8wNS9yZWFtMy5wbmcgd2lkdGg9NTAgaGVpZ2h0PTUwIGFsaWduPWxlZnQ+
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Nobody Like You

PGg0IHN0eWxlPSJjb2xvcjojNjY2OyB0ZXh0LWFsaWduOmNlbnRlcjsiPkdlbnJlOiB7QGZlYXR1cmVkX2dlbnJlfTwvaDQ+ Yeju Hwarng no longer believes in love. After breaking up with her long-term girlfriend and watching her parents divorce over the summer, all her passion disappeared, including her passion for science that got her into her microbiology PhD program. When a new roommate moves into the apartment, Yeju recognizes her as more than just a familiar face; she is an enemy that needs to be chased out of her life. Lia Choi does not need love. Her parent never gave her any, and confessing to her childhood best friend over the summer only caused a fall out. Love has proven to be both unnecessary and a liability, and all Lia needs instead is to do well in college and get into a prestigious research position in the microbiology department. Unfortunately, this turns out to be difficult when her research mentor is also her new roommate who is hell bent on ruining her life. Tension escalates both at home and in the lab, but the more they work together, the more they realize: they have a common goal, and they need each other to achieve that. All they need to do is to open their hearts. Love is hard, but life is harder without love. *** THE LOVE HYPOTHESIS meets DELILAH GREEN DOESN’T CARE; a STEM-oriented college sapphic romance about struggling adults navigating love despite their broken hearts.

Azia Elga is a scientist by day and a hobby writer by night. As a writer, she writes a jumbled mess of genres, but all her works contain heavy queer elements, with an emphasis on sapphic romance. Having immigrated from Singapore to the Northeast of the United States for work, Azia is passionate about including tons of Asian voices and perspectives in her works. When she is not writing or daydreaming about her cute sapphic couples, you can find her stressing away in her laboratory and growing bacteria from poop (yes, really). She is also an editor and writer for a science communication blog, Science in the News Boston. Her contemporary romance, Nobody Like You, won the 2023 Wattys Award. Her teen romance, Cherry On Top, won the 2022 Pride Awards, YA category, hosted by Wattpad’s LGBTQ profile, while her fantasy romance, The Lightning Mage, won the 2022 Ambys Award, fantasy category, on Wattpad.

PGg1IHN0eWxlPSJjb2xvcjojNjY2OyB0ZXh0LWFsaWduOmNlbnRlcjsiPntAZ2VucmVfMX08L2g1Pg== PGg1IHN0eWxlPSJjb2xvcjojNjY2OyB0ZXh0LWFsaWduOmNlbnRlcjsiPntAZ2VucmVfMn08L2g1Pg== PGg1IHN0eWxlPSJjb2xvcjojNjY2OyB0ZXh0LWFsaWduOmNlbnRlcjsiPntAZ2VucmVfM308L2g1Pg== PGg1IHN0eWxlPSJjb2xvcjojNjY2OyB0ZXh0LWFsaWduOmNlbnRlcjsiPntAZ2VucmVfNH08L2g1Pg== PGg1IHN0eWxlPSJjb2xvcjojNjY2OyB0ZXh0LWFsaWduOmNlbnRlcjsiPntAZ2VucmVfNX08L2g1Pg==

Before Thirty

genre: romance

With six months left until Gwen turns thirty, she's determined to make the most of every minute. After she books a flight to Canada, she begins to realize that traveling alone isn't quite the joy she anticipated. Blake needs a break to recharge mentally and emotionally after his medical team is evacuated from the DRC. With six months until he needs to walk his little sister down the aisle, he decides some solo time across Canada to refuel might be just what he needs. But a chance encounter in British Columbia ends with Gwen and Blake agreeing to be adventure buddies. With a set of travel rules almost as long as their trip from British Columbia to Newfoundland, Blake and Gwen are destined to break every one, and in the process discover what they truly value.

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With six months left until Gwen turns thirty, she’s determined to make the most of every minute. After she books a flight to Canada, she begins to realize that traveling alone isn’t quite the joy she anticipated. Blake needs a break to recharge mentally and emotionally after his medical team is evacuated from the DRC.…


genre: romance

Ari Callahan has no idea how to talk to boys -- or how to talk to anyone for that matter. She's the quiet girl who goes unnoticed, while her beautiful and outgoing sister attracts every boy’s attention in their beachside town. Ari’s most comfortable underwater, working her summer job as a mermaid impersonator in an aquarium, where no one expects her to speak. And Ari can’t help identifying with her namesake character, Ariel, the little mermaid in the fairytale whose voice was stolen by a sea witch. Enter Zac, the cute new guy in town who asks for Ari’s number. With his confidence and flirty sense of humor, Ari finds him irresistible. But Zac harbors a dark secret, and his intentions may not be what they seem. Will he be the handsome prince Ari’s dreamed of all her life -- or will he use her and leave her high and dry?

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Ari Callahan has no idea how to talk to boys — or how to talk to anyone for that matter. She’s the quiet girl who goes unnoticed, while her beautiful and outgoing sister attracts every boy’s attention in their beachside town. Ari’s most comfortable underwater, working her summer job as a mermaid impersonator in an…

Behind Your Walls

genre: romance

Runaway seventeen-year-old Amaya faces the consequences of faking a relationship with her notorious crush, Carter Bell, in exchange for a place to stay. *** When seventeen-year-old Amaya runs away to escape her abusive step-father, she finds herself on the path of her school's notorious bad boy, Carter Bell. Desperate for a place to stay, she accepts Carter's offer to be his fake girlfriend in exchange for sharing his room with her. However, the lie comes at a cost when feelings start to develop in unexpected ways. Carter is everything Amaya has been taught to stay away from but more than that, he is impossible to resist. The more she tries to warn him about the dangers of being close to her, the desperate he becomes for her love. The stakes are high but Carter always get what he wants, and he wants her. BOOK 1 of THE WALLS DUET

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Runaway seventeen-year-old Amaya faces the consequences of faking a relationship with her notorious crush, Carter Bell, in exchange for a place to stay. *** When seventeen-year-old Amaya runs away to escape her abusive step-father, she finds herself on the path of her school’s notorious bad boy, Carter Bell. Desperate for a place to stay, she…


genre: horror

Alucard has lived a terrible life. Born into the Diabolus, a cult of estranged witches dedicated to freeing Lucifer from the void, his mother was slaughtered seconds after his birth, and he grew up in darkness until he was ready to do what he'd been born to doーdie. When offered immortality to escape his fate, Alucard was reborn as the world's first vampire. Four hundred years later, on the tower of a rustic castle, Alucard meets Zalith. But Alucard isn't so keen to work alongside a demonーfor demons and vampires are natural foes. To both their displeasure, however, they are teamed together to work for Damien, the tyrant Numen often worshipped by man as God. And the task: moving endangered vampires from Zalith's world to Alucard's.

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Alucard has lived a terrible life. Born into the Diabolus, a cult of estranged witches dedicated to freeing Lucifer from the void, his mother was slaughtered seconds after his birth, and he grew up in darkness until he was ready to do what he’d been born to doーdie. When offered immortality to escape his fate,…

Till Death Do Us Part

genre: fantasy

Skylar is not a typical noble lady. Captain to her own company, she feels more at home with a sword in hand than in the ballroom. Her whole life gets turned upside down when she is forced to marry Lord General Gawyn Gryphonheart for the alliance. The vicious political machinations will be the least of her problems because a far darker threat is looming in the east. Skylar, with her fighting experience, might be the only one who sees it coming. If only her husband trusted her enough to heed her advice. Can she fulfil her role as a graceful and obedient wife at the royal court and convince the noble families to unite against the monsters believed to be merely a legend?

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Skylar is not a typical noble lady. Captain to her own company, she feels more at home with a sword in hand than in the ballroom. Her whole life gets turned upside down when she is forced to marry Lord General Gawyn Gryphonheart for the alliance. The vicious political machinations will be the least of…

Elemental Attraction

genre: romance

When Zara discovers a mysterious mirror hidden among her family's heirlooms, she's transported to the mystical realm of the Zodiacs. As the new attendant to Aquarius, she's plunged into a world of magic and power. But when her boss is murdered, she becomes the prime suspect. Determined to clear her name, Zara sets out on a dangerous journey to find the real killer, with the help of Blaze, a smoulderingly handsome stranger with secrets of his own. As they encounter new dangers and revelations, Zara and Blaze must work together to uncover the truth, all while risking their lives and hearts in the process.

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When Zara discovers a mysterious mirror hidden among her family’s heirlooms, she’s transported to the mystical realm of the Zodiacs. As the new attendant to Aquarius, she’s plunged into a world of magic and power. But when her boss is murdered, she becomes the prime suspect. Determined to clear her name, Zara sets out on…

Neon Girl

genre: new adult

In a city where con artists make the rules and aspiring females wear sequins and dance with a pole, Melody Holiday refuses to ride on the coattails of her semi-famous grandfather. She wants the freedom to choose her own path to showbiz greatness. When a chance meeting with a handsome stranger provides Mel with an opportunity, she thinks she's landed the big one. But her grandpa isn't thrilled with the direction Mel's career is going, and it's not until she stumbles across something she probably shouldn't have that this becomes clear. Perhaps meeting the stranger with the Rocky Balboa eyes wasn't by chance. Maybe Mel is rubbing elbows with the kind of people who could take away her freedom for good.

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In a city where con artists make the rules and aspiring females wear sequins and dance with a pole, Melody Holiday refuses to ride on the coattails of her semi-famous grandfather. She wants the freedom to choose her own path to showbiz greatness. When a chance meeting with a handsome stranger provides Mel with an…

All Things Devour

genre: paranormal

Sonya Marston is a rational woman. She's a graduate student, an anthropology major, and not the kind of person easy to scare with silly ghost stories. She only believes in what she can see, what she can touch, and what facts can prove. However, when misfortune in the form of immortal, marauding vampires strikes her class's expedition, Sonya will have to expand her beliefs to include the undead, magic, and a set of ever-vigilant Norse gods. Ghost story or not, one bite to the neck changes Sonya's life forever. Now, she must accept the help of a charming vampire exile named Anton to return to his home of Vidarheim and find the man who bit her. Untended, the curse in her wound will grow and turn her into a senseless ghoul. All is not well in Vidarheim though, so finding-and convincing-her attacker to complete her change will be more difficult than Sonya or Anton anticipate. Time is running short, the curse grows, and Sonya races against fate and realm politics to find the cure before s

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After anthropology student Sonya Marston is bitten by a strange vampire, she must accept the help of his worst enemy to enter a realm of immortal, blood-sucking Vikings before the bite turns her into a mindless monster.

The Accidental Time Traveller

genre: science fiction

Using an implant in his head, Chris Allman has to travel in time to prevent the murder of his girlfriend Sara. He has only 5 minutes and 55 seconds on each jump to attempt to change the past. He can only travel up to one year in the past, and never past the time of his last jump. With every jump bringing him closer to the present, Chris is running out of time. What happens, stays happened...

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Using an implant in his head, Chris Allman has to travel in time to prevent the murder of his girlfriend Sara. He has only 5 minutes and 55 seconds on each jump to attempt to change the past.