This Poisoned Tide: The Last Water Witch Book One

written by Lindsey M Clarke


To overthrow the cruel King who brutally slaughtered her foremothers, the last surviving water witch Elara Consuli must team up with novice warrior Juda Vikaris from the Serpent Order and realise an ancient prophecy, before the blood-thirsty ruler discovers her existence and kills her too.


The waters surrounding the Kingdom of Druvaria are deadly. Cursed by the Naiad, the sorceress race wiped out by King Ban-Keren, no one dare step foot into the poisoned waters in fear of certain death. Everyone, that is, apart from Elara Consuli, the last surviving water witch. In Grimefell, the cut-throat slums of the citadel, Elara blends in well with the rest of the accursed thieves and vagabonds lurking in the shadows, but her secret comes with a heavy price. Juda Vikaris, also has a secret of his own. As a skilled novice of the Serpent Order, the brutal assassins loyal to the King, no one escapes his watchful eye or the edge of his blade, and what better way to get revenge for his mother's death at Ban-Keren's hands, than by infiltrating the elite guard itself? But leading a double life is starting to take its toll on Juda as the training of the Order seeks to destroy who he once was and turn him into a cold-blooded, emotionless killer with each passing day. Juda has his own reasons for hating the Naiad and Elara knows all too well that the Serpent Order can never be trusted, but can their mutual hatred of Ban-Keren - and mutual attraction - stop them from betraying one another? In a world of dark secrets and a blood-thirsty King hell-bent on retaining power any way he can, Elara and Juda must decide whether to stand together and fight, or to trust in their natural instincts and remain enemies until the bitter, poisonous end.

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