Ghost Portal

written by Stephanie Rose

genre: paranormal

If you're triggered by something sinister, do you seek its meaning, or do you leave it alone?


Small-town barista and occasional stray animal rescuer Jessamine Spencer never would have guessed that a video about missing paranormal show-host Amy LaRoya would rile her up so badly, to the point of having nightmarish visions of the house where Amy was last seen, and an ominous sense that she'd been there before.

But when Amy's fellow paranormal host Avery Boomer turns up at Jessamine's coffee-shop asking questions, he discovers that Jessamine is in fact linked to Amy--because she WAS at the mystical house Amy was last seen at. The problem is, Jessamine doesn't recall any of the circumstances that led her to be there, nor how she escaped. And Avery needs to locate Amy, because her final footage seems to imply something was after her and might have gotten to her; something clearly supernatural in nature.

If Avery convinces Jessamine to help him, will she recover enough of her memories to navigate to this mystery house, and hopefully find Amy there? Or is there more hiding in the forest--forces and prophesies that Avery and Jessamine will never understand?

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