The Alpha King: The Hunters’ Web (Book #2)

genre: fantasy

Ferris, Nevada is under attack by a supernatural serial killer, and Daniel must attempt to put both his crown and his inner demons aside in order to play detective and stop them. But when an organization of hunters also enters the picture with a former ally among them and seems to share a history with one of his packmates, the new Alpha King must dig into the pasts of friend and foe alike in order to untangle the web that connects them all together and save his hometown.

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The Alpha King (Book #1)

genre: fantasy

A werewolf attack was the last thing Daniel Hayden expected to happen in his life. But it happened. And now he is all that stands between a power lost to history and the ones that will do anything necessary to get their claws on it. But when he finds unexpected allies in the form of two supernatural teenagers and the powerful but haunted Alpha King, they all tragically come to learn that this is merely the beginning of a future darker than anyone could have ever imagined. After all, it was once said that "Things always come in threes..."

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Nicholas Manus

Nicholas Manus


Mystery/Thriller, Paranormal Crime, LGBTQ+, Fantasy, Teen Fiction/Young Adult


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The Alpha King: The Hunters' Web (Book #2)

PGg0IHN0eWxlPSJjb2xvcjojNjY2OyB0ZXh0LWFsaWduOmNlbnRlcjsiPkdlbnJlOiB7QGZlYXR1cmVkX2dlbnJlfTwvaDQ+ When Daniel and his pack are called in to help solve a series of supernatural murders, they must learn to accept that the past never really dies. It just transforms. ***** Ferris, Nevada is under attack by a supernatural serial killer, and Daniel must attempt to put both his crown and his inner demons aside in order to play detective and stop them. But when an organization of hunters also enters the picture with a former ally among them and seems to share a history with one of his packmates, the new Alpha King must dig into the pasts of friend and foe alike in order to untangle the web that connects them all together and save his hometown.

Nicholas Manus is a young author writing on Wattpad and is working to become self-published. He's been writing since June 20, 2014 at the age of 11 and has written a multitude of works on multiple sites before settling on Wattpad, where he is a retired Ambassador and Alumni to the program. He enjoys a good mystery to solve and a nice fantasy world to get lost in. When he's not writing, he is spending time with friends and family, experimenting with graphic design, reading a good book or fanfiction, or volunteering his time to help online and offline communities be a better place.

PGg1IHN0eWxlPSJjb2xvcjojNjY2OyB0ZXh0LWFsaWduOmNlbnRlcjsiPntAZ2VucmVfMX08L2g1Pg== PGg1IHN0eWxlPSJjb2xvcjojNjY2OyB0ZXh0LWFsaWduOmNlbnRlcjsiPntAZ2VucmVfMn08L2g1Pg== PGg1IHN0eWxlPSJjb2xvcjojNjY2OyB0ZXh0LWFsaWduOmNlbnRlcjsiPntAZ2VucmVfM308L2g1Pg== PGg1IHN0eWxlPSJjb2xvcjojNjY2OyB0ZXh0LWFsaWduOmNlbnRlcjsiPntAZ2VucmVfNH08L2g1Pg== PGg1IHN0eWxlPSJjb2xvcjojNjY2OyB0ZXh0LWFsaWduOmNlbnRlcjsiPntAZ2VucmVfNX08L2g1Pg==

Section F: Fairy Tales & Physicists

genre: adventure

Assigned to the mysterious Section F, Agent Fields' number one priority is reversing his sudden career-slide. Even more so after meeting his new partner, the borderline dangerous Agent Peregrine. A specialist in ‘unconventional’ cases, she suspects the victims in a recent spate of murders are fairy-tale princesses from other worlds, and has her sights set on story-loving quantum-science genius Dr Frank Featherstone. Suspecting his partner is crazy, Fields' scepticism wilts when the case leads to a comatose prince, a wisecracking witch and a very much alive princess, with a mean kick to the codpiece up her sleeve. What begins as a murder investigation spirals into a jaw-dropping, dimension-spanning race against time, as the two agents and their new offsiders battle monsters, dodge dragons and receive a first-hand hardcore lesson in fairy-tale lore, while trying to bag the bad guy - and just maybe save the world.

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Assigned to the mysterious Section F, Agent Fields’ number one priority is reversing his sudden career-slide. Even more so after meeting his new partner, the borderline dangerous Agent Peregrine. A specialist in ‘unconventional’ cases, she suspects the victims in a recent spate of murders are fairy-tale princesses from other worlds, and has her sights set…

Zombie Shark Highway

genre: horror

Seventeen year old Kayla Girard follows the rules just like any good sherriff's daughter should. But when eight dead sharks wash up on the highway outside her remote coastal town, Justin, the town lowlife, drags Kayla out to the highway with him. When they arrive at the scene, the sharks are gone - and two of Justin's friends are found dead in their place. Suddenly it's up to Kayla and Justin to save the town from sharks that won't stay dead.

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Seventeen year old Kayla Girard follows the rules just like any good sherriff’s daughter should. But when eight dead sharks wash up on the highway outside her remote coastal town, Justin, the town lowlife, drags Kayla out to the highway with him. When they arrive at the scene, the sharks are gone – and two…

The Accidental Time Traveller

genre: science fiction

Using an implant in his head, Chris Allman has to travel in time to prevent the murder of his girlfriend Sara. He has only 5 minutes and 55 seconds on each jump to attempt to change the past. He can only travel up to one year in the past, and never past the time of his last jump. With every jump bringing him closer to the present, Chris is running out of time. What happens, stays happened...

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Using an implant in his head, Chris Allman has to travel in time to prevent the murder of his girlfriend Sara. He has only 5 minutes and 55 seconds on each jump to attempt to change the past.