The Alpha King (Book #1)

genre: fantasy

A werewolf attack was the last thing Daniel Hayden expected to happen in his life. But it happened. And now he is all that stands between a power lost to history and the ones that will do anything necessary to get their claws on it. But when he finds unexpected allies in the form of two supernatural teenagers and the powerful but haunted Alpha King, they all tragically come to learn that this is merely the beginning of a future darker than anyone could have ever imagined. After all, it was once said that "Things always come in threes..."

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Till Death Do Us Part

genre: fantasy

Skylar is not a typical noble lady. Captain to her own company, she feels more at home with a sword in hand than in the ballroom. Her whole life gets turned upside down when she is forced to marry Lord General Gawyn Gryphonheart for the alliance. The vicious political machinations will be the least of her problems because a far darker threat is looming in the east. Skylar, with her fighting experience, might be the only one who sees it coming. If only her husband trusted her enough to heed her advice. Can she fulfil her role as a graceful and obedient wife at the royal court and convince the noble families to unite against the monsters believed to be merely a legend?

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Skylar is not a typical noble lady. Captain to her own company, she feels more at home with a sword in hand than in the ballroom. Her whole life gets turned upside down when she is forced to marry Lord General Gawyn Gryphonheart for the alliance. The vicious political machinations will be the least of…