Nurse, author, fierce wife and a mother of three, living on a farm with her family and various amounts and types of animals. When she's not working nightshifts, she's often seen in the garden with her butt in the air and her nose in the ground, searching for the meaning of life. And when she doesn't find it in the dirt, she writes her emotions out in a song or a story or makes decorations for Halloween, Christmas, Easter, etc. She's the epitome of introvert, usually nocturnal, strongly dislikes the sun, and has an extreme resentment towards garlic and all kinds of onions. The stories she writes are usually romance with a heavy touch of spice and humor, but she likes to challenge herself with other genres too, which you can see in her annual short story collections released in December as a Christmas gift for her faithful readers. She has always been obsessed with Michael Jackson and will gladly Moonwalk all over those who have a problem with it. Other than that, she's a peaceful species who appreciate every moment of silence she can get.

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